Shasta Renaissance & Fantasy Faire
Become a Sponsor
Benefactor - $500
Recognized as event partner in all “presented by” announcements, press releases, commercials, banners, signage and event website
Your own page including name, logo, photos and link to your business on event website until next year’s event promotion begins
Name, logo and link to your business on Shasta Renaissance and Fantasy Faire Facebook page until next year’s event promotion begins
Name, logo and link to your Facebook page on Shasta Renaissance and Fantasy Faire Facebook page until next year’s event promotion begins
Booth space if desired (booth must meet specified booth requirements for the event)
Four VIP guest passes (includes entrance to event, four drink tickets, access to VIP participant and performer lounge and meet and greet with select performers)
Patron $250
Recognized as event sponsor on all banners, signage and event website
Your own page including name, logo, photos and link to your business on event website for duration of event promotion and one month after event
Name, logo and link to your business on Shasta Renaissance and Fantasy Faire Facebook page for duration of event promotion and one month after event
Name, logo and link to your Facebook page on Shasta Renaissance and Fantasy Faire Facebook page for duration of event promotion and one month after event
Four guest passes
Friend of the Faire -$100
Recognized as “Friend of the Faire” on event website and Shasta Renaissance and Fantasy Faire Facebook page
Your own page including name, logo, photos and link to your business on event website for duration of event promotion
Name, logo and link to your business on Shasta Renaissance and Fantasy Faire Facebook page for duration of event promotion
Name, logo and link to your Facebook page on Shasta Renaissance and Fantasy Faire Facebook page for duration of event promotion
Two guest passes